Emergency Preparedness » Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions


Understandably, many questions regarding school safety have been shared with us. We are grateful for the inquiries and for the opportunity to respond/highlight more specific details regarding our commitment to student and school safety. We will continue to update this document as we receive additional questions. As always, please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.


Topic: Campus Access


“Are we adequately controlling access to our campuses?”


This is one of the most common areas of concern and challenges us to balance the expectation of secure campuses with the goal of family and community engagement and shared facility use. We are assertive in addressing campus access in the following ways:


  • All campuses have gated perimeters that restrict access to our campuses
  • Once school has started, the perimeter and exterior access points are closed and access is limited to the main office/entry point at our schools
  • All schools have structured sign-in and sign out procedures for visitors and guests to ensure that staff and student have a visual indicator (badges and name tags) that authorizes presence on campus
  • All schools have lock down procedures and practice lock down drills with staff and students
  • Monitoring and Supervising School Campus is key to controlled access:


    • All campuses have video surveillance, including offices area/main entry points. This video feed is monitored by security staff.
    • We have a Security Team at the Middle and High School, staffing our campus throughout the day
    • We have a School Resource Officer who is assigned to our campuses
    • CC Police Department are committed to regular, daily patrol of school grounds and perimeters


Communication is key to limiting campus access:
  • All school sites have two-way radio communications.


“What about access points after school? With so many schools offering many after school activities, access seems to be compromised?”


Our schools do offer many great after school opportunities and our preparation must be as intentional after school as it is during school. Certainly, this is a challenge with parent programs, partnerships and clubs, and our space being accessed by our various parent groups. Again the key is close monitoring, communication systems, adequate supervision, and limiting access points. All of our schools have safety plans and the response plans remain the same for after school. We are taking steps to assess our after school response plans to ensure that we are equally intentional about our after school planning and preparation. From locking gates after dismissal and limiting entrance/arrival to one point to sharing of radios and enlisting partners to serve as campus monitors, there are several options to enhance after school safety.



“How does the district plan for emergencies?


  • All of our schools have safety plans and conduct practice drills regularly (including Fire Drills, Earthquake Drills and Lock Downs.
  • We have a visible Security Team and Manager who are trained and strategically assigned responsibilities in order to prevent incidents before they occur and respond immediately when safety is jeopardized
  • We have a full-time School Resource Officer assigned to our campuses. (They are a Culver City Police Officer)
  • Our Admin Council (Directors and Principals and District Office Administration) work together to align drills, enhance communication and plan/participate in training.
  • Partner with Culver City Police Department and CC Fire
  • Strategies exist at all schools to limit access during the school day, required sign-in and sign-out procedures and structure protocols for visitor access
  • Radio and video camera resources on all campuses


“Are we prepared for a rapid response to an emergency?


  • In addition to the daily resources and planning noted above, our strong relationship with the Culver City Police Department is essential to our response planning. The CC Police Department has average response times under 3 minutes and with patrol commitments and our SRO, we could expect even more timely response to a school emergency.



“There is a great deal of talk about mental health and school safety. What are we doing to protect the social and emotional well-being of students?”


Caring for the whole child is essential to providing kind and safe learning environments. Teaching, modeling, and expecting positive, respectful behavior is evident in our policies, practices and programs. Establishing high expectations and accountability is critical to safety; as is positive, timely, caring and compassionate intervention and support for students who struggle socially or emotionally. It is crucial that we not jump to labeling children- unfairly “connect the dots” between student needs and student violence. The key is a positive, responsive school culture with rich, varied resources for timely support. CCUSD is fortunate to have strong support systems for our student’s healthy growth and development.


  • District Wide Anti Bullying Curriculum and Training (for Administrators, Teachers, Instructional Specialists, Playground Aides, Security)
  • District Wide Anti Bullying Task Force made up of parents, district and school leaders
  • Site Specific anti-bullying committees
  • Dedicated Guidance Counselors at the Middle School and High School providing social, emotional and academic support and intervention
  • Medical and Mental Health Clinic On Campus at CC MS/HS: This great resource provides professional 1-1 counseling, group counseling and family support
  • District Behavioral Specialists: Work with Students and Training Staff in Positive Behavior Systems
  • School Based Student Study Teams: Intervention Teams (made up of teachers, school psychologists, administration, special education staff) for Students who are struggling in school (socially, emotionally and behaviorally)


“What if I have questions or concerns; or if I have an idea or interest in helping?”


As always, open and timely communication is at the core of positive and trusting relationships. With the topic of school safety, this trust is absolutely essential. Whenever you have a question, are worried about your child, feel uneasy about an issue or practice, or need some support, contact us immediately. Your “voice” is needed in order for us to attain the goal we all share – success for EVERY child without exception. We want to hear from you and know that we can do our best work with respects to teaching and learning if we are partners in this special, unique, challenging and deeply rewarding journey. Please contact your child’s teacher, the school principal and/or Superintendent with any question, issue or topic.